Is Herbal Tea Hydrating?

Is herbal tea hydrating?
Diana L

Human beings require water to survive. While you can get some hydration by consuming vegetables and fruits, it's just not enough.

Plus, the more active you are, the more water you lose through sweating and urination. If your urine is dark, you need to be more conscious of drinking fluids. But that's not the only benefit of hydration.


8 Reasons to Stay Hydrated

  • Headache relief
  • Mental alertness
  • Body weight
  • Healthy skin
  • Digestion
  • Balanced blood pressure
  • Joint health
  • Detoxification


Do Herbal Teas Count as Water Intake?

Drinking simply water all day long can become a bit boring. But don't worry, other drinks do count for fluid intake such as tea.


Caffeinated teas

You have probably heard that caffeine dehydrates. But caffeinated tea can still add to your bodily fluids. Tea with caffeine is a diuretic because caffeine causes our kidneys to release more water.

However, it would take about 500mg of caffeine to cause any diuretic significance. With 35-50mg of caffeine per cup of black tea, that's 10-15 cups of black tea per day. That's a lot even for my tea addiction.

Even with the mild diuretic effect of caffeinated tea, the body absorbs the fluid it needs before disposing of the rest. Making it unlikely that you'd pee out more than you drink. With everything in moderation, black tea can be a source of hydration.

However, not all teas are a diuretic.


Does Herbal Tea Dehydrate You?

It's important to remember that not all types of tea have the same diuretic effect. Black tea may have a mild diuretic effect due to its caffeine content. Herbal teas that are caffeine-free and do not have the same effect. In fact, herbal teas can be a great alternative to water when it comes to hydration.

One of the benefits of herbal teas is their ability to help relax you. Whether it's chamomile, lavender, or peppermint, these teas have natural properties that can calm your mind and body. So, if you're feeling stressed or anxious, sipping on a cup of herbal tea can be a soothing way to unwind.

Additionally, herbal teas provide a flavorful way to hydrate. With a wide variety of flavors to choose from, you can find a tea that suits your taste preferences. Whether you enjoy fruity blends, floral infusions, or spicy concoctions, there's a herbal tea out there for everyone.

If you add milk or sugar to your tea, it may not hydrate you as much. Adding these can make your tea taste better, but too much can give you extra calories and not hydrate as much. To get the most hydration from herbal tea, drink it plain or with a bit of lemon for taste.


Hydration is Not the Only Benefit of Herbal Tea

Herbal tea has many other benefits to consider when looking to hydrate. When you get dehydrated, one of the first symptoms can be...


Herbal Tea for Constipation

Dehydration is a direct cause of constipation. Herbal teas can help aid in relieving constipation. Consuming hot tea is an excellent strategy to increase water intake.

Keeping yourself hydrated is a natural solution for constipation. The warmth of tea can also stimulate digestion and relieve symptoms.


Herbal Tea for Headaches

A bad headache can ruin your day and make it hard to focus on anything else because of the pain. Top teas for easing headaches and migraines include chamomile tea, peppermint tea, ginger tea, clove tea, turmeric tea, and lavender tea.


Herbal Tea for a Cough

Give your nagging cough some relief from tea. Many herbal teas help ease a cough:

  • Ginger or chamomile tea help reduce inflammation in the throat
  • Hibiscus tea has a high concentration of vitamin C
  • Tea with echinacea helps reduce the life and severity of the cough
  • Peppermint tea commonly used in cough drops, peppermint helps open and reduce inflammation in the airways
  • Licorice Root tea has been used for centuries to combat illnesses that result in sore throats. This is due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Slippery Elm, often found in throat lozenges, helps speed the recovery of your scratchy throat. 

The best herbal tea for a sore throat? Throat Soother Tea. This herbal infusion aids in relieving a sore throat and cough with the help of licorice, soothing anise, and fresh raspberry leaves.

Plus the slippery elm provides a throat coat. Orange Citrus adds a boost of vitamin C and helps reduce swelling. These teas from the Slippery Elm are also great herbal teas for a cold.


Herbal Anxiety Tea

Herbal teas may be helpful for reducing stress and feelings of anxiety.

  • Peppermint tea is a natural antispasmodic to help you relax. If your stomach takes the brunt of your stress, try a cup of Peppermint tea to calm your digestive system. By relaxing your muscles, peppermint may also ease a headache brought on by tension. Peppermint tea can provide a feeling of calm and balance in a life that can sometimes be overwhelming.
  • Chamomile tea naturally boosts serotonin and melatonin levels to relax you and relieve tension headaches that often come with feelings of anxiety.
  • Passionflower tea provides our body with phytochemicals and alkaloids, which may help reduce a build-up of stress chemicals. When you feel calmer, your sleep quality improves.


Herbal Tea for Acid Reflux

Symptoms of acid reflux can leave you feeling uncomfortable and exhausted. Those who struggle with acid reflux know to avoid certain food and beverages that can trigger it. It is a fairly common issue, and drinking tea may just provide the needed relief.

  • Ginger tea is rich in compounds that help reduce inflammation and ease gastric contractions and irritation.
  • Licorice tea has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years. The active compound in licorice can increase mucus while helping to protect the stomach and esophagus from acid.
  • Chamomile tea is a calming tea that can help combat stress which is a common cause of acid reflux.
  • Slippery Elm tea has coating properties that can soothe and protect the inflamed lining of the stomach and esophagus. By helping produce mucus, further irritation of the esophagus and stomach may be reduced.
  • Turmeric tea is another ancient remedy with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The active ingredient, curcumin, helps protect the body's digestive tract.
  • Tea with fennel may help digestion and relieve upset stomach due to gas. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also help ease swelling of the digestive tract.


Herbal Teas that Detox

To safely detox your body, hydrate, eat well, exercise, get a good night's sleep, and avoid junk food. Herbal detox tea can naturally cleanse, boost energy, support immunity, and create calmness.



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